Since 1996, it’s been our honor at Kootenay Lake Medical Clinic to serve both our long-standing unattached residents and visitors alike. Our commitment to your health and well-being has always been our top priority. Recently, our team has had to make the very difficult decision to change our Hybrid Open Access Clinic model (that has looked after unattached patients for 28 years) to a 100% Family Practice. As a result, we will now only be able to see those patients who are officially attached to one of our providers.
What this means for patients:
KLMC is no longer booking appointments for any patients that to date, have never been seen at our clinic. We do not provide any Drop In Appointments.
Patients that are not attached to one of our providers, can no longer book appointments at our clinic. If you have pending follow ups, you will be called by the clinic to book an appointment for this.
For Additional Resources to Support Your Health Care Needs go to –
We understand and empathize with patients who are not able to find a Family Provider (physician or nurse practitioner), and highly recommend that all patients looking for a provider register immediately on Kootenay Boundary’s Health Connect Registry at – this is the quickest route for finding a practitioner.
The website also has links to many other helpful resources for unattached patients.
The KLMC Team
We are looking for Family Practitioners to join our dynamic team!
If you are, or know of a Physician or Nurse Practitioner looking to work in Nelson, we need to add more providers to our team.
For full details, check out our Jobs Page.