Important Update

To Family Practice Patients of Dr Newth,

We have received notice from Dr Newth that he will be leaving Kootenay Lake Medical Clinic and moving his Family Practice to Nelson Medical Associates as of November 15, 2024. For new, or follow up appointments with Dr Newth, that you require after November 14, please contact Nelson Medical Associates at 250-352-6611.

We will do our very best to help patients with this transition, but your concerns and inquiries as to how this will affect you, will be best answered by Dr Newth.

Dr Newth will be sending a letter to all of his Family Practice patients, outlining his transition plan.


The Kootenay Lake Medical Clinic Team

If you are, or know of a Physician or Nurse Practitioner looking to work in Nelson, we need to add more providers to our team.
For full details, check out our Jobs Page.

