
Monday through Saturday Coverage

Updates Regarding Coverage for July – Our providers are all taking time off in July, and we have been unable to recruit any locum providers. We will have very limited appointment slots in July (and will be Closed Thursday and Saturday). Please keep this in mind and be respectful of our front end staff (they are only messengers). As we are currently almost fully booked for all of July, most appointments will be booked into August or later.

• Dr Tom Newth: Currently 2.5 Shifts, moving to 2 Shifts starting in August

• Dr Margot Link: 3 Shifts weekly

• Dr Dave Little: 1 – 2 Shifts weekly 

• Nurse Practitioner Kelly Burke: 3 Shifts Weekly

• RN Kelsey Neufeld: Monday and Tuesday

NOTE: None of our Providers work “set days”. Please check our Schedule for Up To Date Schedules.